Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Advanced Compiler Design Objects

cse231 - advanced compiler design

Since WASM doesn’t permit access to the stackoutside of the current function, such a cross-call variable reference isprohibited. We need another strategy to implement nested functions atop WASM.Our approach to this could be multi-faceted, depending on the particularconstraints of g and f. These techniques may come in handy, no matter what field of CS you end up working in. For nested functions with ChocoPy’s restrictions (we’ll revisit thisrestriction later), we know that all calls to g must occur within the bodyof f. Generally, all calls to a nested function appear within the body ofthe function it is declared in.

Project Information

However, due to recursion, it is not ageneral solution, and due to code size concerns, it is not a pragmaticsolution for all cases. If we were compiling to traditional assembly, we could have the stack framefor g refer to the stack frame for f, since all stack memory in atraditional process is part of the same address space. We could compile gto do a specific memory-offset lookup for x in order to find it in itscaller’s frame, which is reminiscent the infrastructure for getting theaddress of variables in C/C++ (the & operator). These use cases help us understand some of the necessary information we needto track across REPL entries, and for separate compilation of programs thatuse classes in general. It is now our task to figure outhow to represent this in our compiler and at runtime. A single call expression in the source program may select from one ofseveral method definitions at runtime.

CSE 231: Advanced Compilers

Another attempt could be to store, update, and access shared variables on theheap (in WASM, the linear memory). This is promising, because the memorypersists across all function calls, and indeed, in our setup, across otherboundaries like modules. Our approach will be to give special treatment andattention to variables that both updated at some point, and used withina nested function, like x in our f-g-h example above. One straightforward option, if g is not recursive, and not too large, andnot used too many times, is inlining. In many programs, nested functions aresmall helpers, and their code can be easily copied to the point where theyare called. In this case, that would mean replacing the expressions g(10)with x + 10, and g(7) with x + 7.

All Students by Ethnicity23

Aside from modifying theREPL/runner to consume and produce this new information there’s no newinfrastructure required. The WASM tool is tables and the call_indirectinstruction,which allow us to refer to a function by a numeric (i32) index into a tablerather than by a name that needs to be known at compile-time. WASM currentlysupports a single table per module, so we will need to organize all methodreferences within the same module-level table.

cse231 - advanced compiler design

Students are required to extend a context-free language and design and implement a lexer and bottom-up (SLR) parser for the language in the first programming project. In the second project, students are required to extend a context-free language and design and implement a compiler using compiler construction tools such as Bison and Yacc. Midterm test has five questions, and the final examination has nine questions. I track the performance of the students on each homework assignment, each programming project assignment, and each question on the midterm and final examination.

Generating Code for Method Calls

Here we have a classic case in compiler design – for different kinds ofcomplexity in a program, we can use different compilation techniques tocompile the “same” programming language feature (in this case nestedfunctions). Another view is that adding references around variables alwaysworks as a fully general solution, but if the variable is never updated it’ssafe to remove the references as an optimization, and if the function issufficiently small, we could inline instead. All three of these strategies—inlining, adding extra arguments, and creatingreferences for variables variables—are useful. Inlining can actually reducethe number of instructions run by a program. Adding extra arguments causesmore work (extra pushing of arguments) in exchange for working on recursivefunctions and functions that might be too costly to inline.

Methods Without Inheritance

This gives us some constraints that allow usmore freedom with compilation than we have with other functions. Inparticular, we know g cannot be exported and called from another REPLentry, so if we wanted to, say, change its signature to add or removearguments, we could also find all of the places that call g and update themappropriately. And in fact, Python with nonlocal declarations is closer to theinteresting-case behavior of most programming languages – multiple functionscan perform updates on, and see the value of, a shared variable. Advanced material in programming languages and translator systems. Adding inheritance now means that we need to track the table layout of theclass environment across REPL entries as well, and each new REPL module needsaccess to a running table of function references.

ArtCenter Extension20

Fluency in describing the theory and practice of compilation, in particular, the lexical analysis, syntax, and semantic analysis, code generation and optimization phases of compilation. So adding an extra parameter works, but not if we want to support use casesthat share updateable variables between functions. That is, the classes appear in order as they are declared in the file.

Class Schedule: Lectures, Readings, Homework, Project, Exam

We will also assign weekly readings from around the Web highlighting toolsand techniques we need, and research papers that explore the space ofcompiler design. This project will allow us to explore a number of interesting features ofcompilation and build deployable, user-facing programming environments. The main course project is building an in-browser, interactive compiler from(typed) Python programs to WebAssembly.

On alarge compiler team, a single developer’s entire job might be to test outdifferent heuristics that work well for deciding which functions to inline! In this example we begin to see the true sophistication that goes into moderncompiler design. A concrete proposal for handling nested functions is to find all of thevariables that the function uses that aren’t defined within the function(and aren’t global), and add them as extra arguments. This has a nice side effect – we canmove these programs to the toplevel, because they no longer refer to anyvariables that aren’t global or their own parameters! This immediately givesus a compilation strategy for them (with a little work on naming). The students are given eleven homework assignments, two major programming projects of three weeks duration each, a midterm exam, and a final examination.

Sharon Barcarse provides over 30 years of experience in the graphic design industry, including branding, publications, advertising, marketing collateral, and online design. She spent 13 years in publication and advertising; both as an art director and later as a creative director overseeing more than 50 annual publications. Clients have ranged from large healthcare biotech firms to small non-profit groups. And, if you’re a fellow foodie, be sure to follow Sharon’s restaurant posts on Instagram. Ability to create lexical rules and grammars for a programming language. Inlining is an implementation technique that we can perform at the sourcelevel by transforming the AST directly, and the updated AST would then haveWASM code generated for it as usual.

Ability to implement semantic rules into a parser that performs attribution while parsing. Ability to implement a parser such as a bottom-up SLR parser without using Yacc/Bison or any other compiler-generation tools. In the case of no inheritance, where we have our decorated AST, let’sconsider the expressions in this program.

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